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M1 Mac Mini: Steam downloads say "no disk space"

I have plenty of disk space

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bizacat Vrijdag 31 December 2021 om 21:44

Basically the title– I have plenty of space on this machine and am only using POM to play Team Fortress 2. I downloaded steam and get the "no disk space" error. It says:
Disk space required: 23.20 GB
Disk space available: 5.74 GB


What to do? The search function on the forums here doesn't give me anything.

RollarCoaster Woensdag 16 Februari 2022 om 6:43

Yeah, what you need to do is redownload Steam. It's a chore.

NoneOne_ Zaterdag 26 Februari 2022 om 19:45

All I had to do was free up more disk space