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Solution for tiny Wine window not working

Auteur Antwoorden
MasterChief Vrijdag 17 Maart 2023 om 23:36

I deleted all the libz.so files as instructed in this https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=224534, but when I did now the Wine configuration  does not even open, before it was just really smallI don't know what to do.

benyaminl Zaterdag 8 April 2023 om 16:32

Are you sure that it's the POL Problem. I seen people always blaming POL, but the problem isn't lies on POL, but on the DE or the distro that build the POL. I have been using POL for years, and never this problem ever surface. I suggest you use more mature DE like XFCE and mature Distro like Fedora...


Try it, and you will know, most of the software work out of the box.

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