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Adding Combat Arms to games list

Auteur Antwoorden
Darkblood Maandag 22 December 2008 om 3:43


I've recently found a very cool FPS game: Combat Arms... and it's 100% free!
I think it would be great to have it on PlayOnLinux.

More information here:

nexter Maandag 5 Januari 2009 om 0:12

Yeah, would be cool if it could work.
marieuh Maandag 5 Januari 2009 om 2:51

well how about you, mister nexter, make a script for it?

that should keep your mind busy enough wouldn't it ??

it's bronze on the appdb list... you should give it a try using the tutorials here

come on, I'm expecting a full proof script by next week...

now get to work

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
Darkblood Maandag 19 Januari 2009 om 15:05

I'm making a script for this game, but, for now, i have one question. Can i use functions?
I tried making a function like this:

function CombatArms{
CombatArms #for starting the function

It didn't work. But if i put the whole code instead of the function, the script works...is this sintax correct?

Thanks. ;)
marieuh Maandag 19 Januari 2009 om 15:56


I'm afraid the documentation for making a script is available only in French for a moment.
What you can do is check out any script to see what the V3 version are like or you can wait until I'm finished with the rewriting of the documentation ... hopefully is shouldn't take too long .

cheers, and sorry for the bother

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
Darkblood Dinsdag 20 Januari 2009 om 0:01

hi marieuh,

You're talking about this documentation? http://www.playonlinux.com/en/documentation.html
Anyway i think i've got the function to work. I had to use "CombatArms ()" instead of "function Combat Arms", the rest remains the same.
I hope i can get the script done as soon as possible. Another thing...i have an image for the left side of the presentation window. I've noticed, in other scripts, that each image is stored on playonlinux site, how can i store mine too?

marieuh Dinsdag 20 Januari 2009 om 0:07

yes, this is the documentation I'm talking about, you see, it only deals with the V2 of playonlinux and the V3 documentation is to be implemented in the brand new documentation that's being done.
The difference is that the functions name are a little different, that sort of things...
as for the image, I'm not sure, hopefully someone more competent will stop by this topic and answer this ^^

good luck

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
Ghostofkendo Donderdag 22 Januari 2009 om 20:46

Hi Darkblood,

About the picture, you must send it to Tinou (with an e-mail) because there is no automated way to upload it.
By the way, you can also send him the icon of the game (to replace the eyes for Combat Arms' entry in POL menu or for the shortcut). It must be 22x22 pixels and have exactly the same name as your script (the format doesn't matter, XPM, PNG, JPG, GIF...).


P.S: And if you need some help for your script, feel free to ask me

Aangepast door Ghostofkendo

Darkblood Vrijdag 23 Januari 2009 om 21:22

Hi Ghostofkendo,

Thanks for the reply.
So i need the left side image, the icon, and what about the icon for when the aplication/game is installed?

I've got another question. I have to export wineprefix to the ie6 folder, so does it make any sense creating a wineprefix for Combat Arms and then export it (wineprefix) to ie6 folder? (i don't think so :P, but if i can get some confirmation it would be helpful. )

Thanks again.
Ghostofkendo Zaterdag 24 Januari 2009 om 0:17

and what about the icon for when the aplication/game is installed?

Quote from Darkblood
This is the icon I was talking about

I've got another question. I have to export wineprefix to the ie6 folder, so does it make any sense creating a wineprefix for Combat Arms and then export it (wineprefix) to ie6 folder? (i don't think so :P, but if i can get some confirmation it would be helpful. )

Quote from Darkblood
I'm not sure to understand what you want to do Does Combat Arms need Internet Explorer to run? If yes, just add in your script a part to install IE6 in Combat Arms' prefix. (use as a base for this part, the IE6 script instead of recreating it from scratch)

Darkblood Zaterdag 24 Januari 2009 om 2:20

The one from the right is the one you were talking about. But what about the other? is it automatically added ?

Yes, it's a bit stupid that a game requires IE to be installed, but this one does.
I've already added the script for installing IE to my script. The problem with your solution is that Combat Arms needs IE to be installed. So i have to install IE first (if it isn't already), and then i'll export wineprefix to the IE6 folder. My concern is about doing any "damage" to the IE6 folder. Is this possible to happen?

Thanks again.

Aangepast door Darkblood

Ghostofkendo Zaterdag 24 Januari 2009 om 14:05

The one from the right is the one you were talking about. But what about the other? is it automatically added ?

Quote from Darkblood
Ok, I read too fast last time
So for the icon on the left in your screenshot, it must be 32x32 pixels (still no particular format) but its name doesn't need to match exactly the script's one. And whatever its name is, it must appear as the fourth argument of the POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut command.

Yes, it's a bit stupid that a game requires IE to be installed, but this one does.
I've already added the script for installing IE to my script. The problem with your solution is that Combat Arms needs IE to be installed. So i have to install IE first (if it isn't already), and then i'll export wineprefix to the IE6 folder. My concern is about doing any "damage" to the IE6 folder. Is this possible to happen?

Quote from Darkblood
I see what you mean now
Rather than installing Combat Arms in IE6's prefix (and risking to damage it), I think you'd better create a prefix for Combat Arms just after the presentation of your script, then install IE6 in Combat Arms' prefix (even if IE6 is already installed in its own prefix) and resume the installation of Combat Arms itself.

Do you see what I mean?

If not, create a topic for Combat Arms in the "Your creations" section and paste here the code of your script, so we'll be able to discuss it more efficiently.

Darkblood Zaterdag 24 Januari 2009 om 17:20

The one from the right is the one you were talking about. But what about the other? is it automatically added ?

Quote from Ghostofkendo
Ok, I read too fast last time
So for the icon on the left in your screenshot, it must be 32x32 pixels (still no particular format) but its name doesn't need to match exactly the script's one. And whatever its name is, it must appear as the fourth argument of the POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut command.

Quote from Darkblood

Ok, thanks.

Yes, it's a bit stupid that a game requires IE to be installed, but this one does.
I've already added the script for installing IE to my script. The problem with your solution is that Combat Arms needs IE to be installed. So i have to install IE first (if it isn't already), and then i'll export wineprefix to the IE6 folder. My concern is about doing any "damage" to the IE6 folder. Is this possible to happen?

Quote from Ghostofkendo
I see what you mean now
Rather than installing Combat Arms in IE6's prefix (and risking to damage it), I think you'd better create a prefix for Combat Arms just after the presentation of your script, then install IE6 in Combat Arms' prefix (even if IE6 is already installed in its own prefix) and resume the installation of Combat Arms itself.

Do you see what I mean?

If not, create a topic for Combat Arms in the "Your creations" section and paste here the code of your script, so we'll be able to discuss it more efficiently.


Quote from Darkblood

Yes, i see, and i agree with you.

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