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Crossover VS PlayOnLinux

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Augustino Woensdag 2 December 2009 om 19:41


I had crossover pro installed, the which have some bugs, but I would like to know what is better?

I tried installing the PlayOnLinux in kde 3.5 on debian lenny but i dont know where is

Can be than should I uninstall crossover?
I also tried this, using the uninstaller, but still appears the crossover

Best Regards
NSLW Donderdag 3 December 2009 om 13:50

PlayOnLinux isn't dependent on crossover. I think it can also be together with crossover on one OS.
Duskao Woensdag 24 Februari 2010 om 18:31

Yeah, you can use both at the same time without issues. Same goes for Cedega and basic WINE install.
TJGeezer Zaterdag 29 Juni\ 2013 om 15:31

Exactly what I needed to know - thanks (but will try MS Office in POL first, since it is one of the default installs and runs my other needed Windows sw flawlessly so far).
Ronin DUSETTE Zondag 30 Juni\ 2013 om 7:05

It should work, depending on the version of Office. So far, I see OneNote and Outlook fail, but everything else should install fine. If not, be sure to post in the forums according to the rules and stickies, and we will give you a hand. :)

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booman Zaterdag 13 Juli 2013 om 1:41

I honestly think Crossover and PlayOnLinux do the exact same thing. They use Wine in a wineprefix and install Windows dependencies so your games and programs can run.
My favorite thing about PlayOnLinux is that its totally free!

I tried Crossover last Christmas when they offered a release for free.
I really didn't see anything special that PlayOnLinux didn't already offer.

I have had sooooooo much success with PlayOnLinux, I'm not going anywhere else.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
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Ronin DUSETTE Zaterdag 13 Juli 2013 om 1:53

They do. Crossover just uses wine builds that we dont get. Thats the only difference that I saw.

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booman Zaterdag 13 Juli 2013 om 1:55

better updates from Wine could make all the difference in a specific game! Grrr

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
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