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Excel 2007 comand button not clickable

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luthepa1 Vrijdag 2 Juli 2010 om 5:06

Hi, I have installed MS Office 2007 under PlayOnLinux. I installed so I can work on a excel file I have that uses VBA code and designer components to make a GUI. To load the form GUI I have a command button on the excel sheet1. Clicking this button initializes the file/interface and presents the form GUI. However under wine excel 2007, I can not select the command button on the excel sheet1 to load up the interface. Its not clickable at all! I have turned macro security off so that should not be an issues. Also going into VBA I can execute the routines/modules. Something is missing or not set right that prevents the command buttons from use.

Can any one help?

NSLW Woensdag 7 Juli 2010 om 6:56

That's an problem with Wine and should be reported to WIne developers but as you're using POL you can't do that.

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