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Fallout 3

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dvaldes21 Zaterdag 31 Juli 2010 om 23:12

Was inspired to install Fallout 3 after this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnS-gf6FLLY&feature=related

Got so close! Install went well, but I run into a problem at the end. It tells me that the disc has copy protections and that prevents Wine from running the game. When I run it, it gets as far as the "Please Stand By" screen in the very beginning then crashes.

Any thoughts?

I also never got the prompt to patch the game...
NSLW Zondag 1 Augustus 2010 om 9:15

The installation script has changed since the one you saw on youtube. Now there is no need to patch Wine in order to run Fallout 3 and patching Fallout 3 is in other script.

Please give:
-graphic card and drivers you use
-version of the game (ie. GOTY)
dvaldes21 Zondag 1 Augustus 2010 om 17:31

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 (64 bit)

Video card: GeForce 8600 GTS (not sure about the drivers, must be the most current)

I have the GOTY edition as an .iso, but I have also purchased the game via Steam.

gtludwig Donderdag 23 September 2010 om 20:55

I got Fallout 3 running:
dracken Woensdag 29 September 2010 om 6:53

Having the exact same problem, after installing everything through POL it tells me that the disk has protection and POL doesn't encourage anything illegal. Then when I try to start it I get the main screen and nothing else.

I have Ubuntu 10.04
ATI 5750 with the drivers installed by the hardware system (ATI/AMD FGLRX proprietary drivers)
I have the steam GOTY version of fallout.

I also tried following the wine how to to the letter and the game still doesn't work...any ideas?

Thank you!

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