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Can we use POL scripts in playonmac

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mac_tester Zondag 10 Mei 2009 om 19:16

Hey guys. I wanted to ask that can we use the script of POL in POM. If we can how do we use it.
It would be helpful if anyone provided tuto or manual about it.
Thanks for any help
super_g2 Zondag 10 Mei 2009 om 21:10

hi mac_tester,
Welcome here !

it depends on the script.
for the moment, every scripts which work fine are in the script' section, but in theory, all POL'scripts are oaky since the 3.5 version of POL.

Tinou can more explain than me, ;-)

have a good evening ;-)

PlayOn*, c'est top!
Quentin PÂRIS Maandag 11 Mei 2009 om 19:22
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

The script are exactly the same except the following restrictions :

- To be compatible, a script should use $REPERTOIRE instead of $HOME/.PlayOnLinux
- The commands like "mkdir directory -p" must be replaced by "mkdir -p directory"
- OpenGL apps causes problems
- The script must be written in V3 commands (Starting by POL_SetupWindow). V2 commands can't be used (like message, question, creer_prefixe, ect...)

I hope I answered your questions
mac_tester Woensdag 13 Mei 2009 om 4:18

Thanks Tinou. I understood most of it. But what with the V3 and V2 commands. If you could explain. Anyways I will be working on using POL scripts for POM. Thanks ;)
mac_tester Woensdag 13 Mei 2009 om 4:24

And by the way. I compared the the available scripts of POM with POL and found that both are exactly same.....
Anyways see ya all
Quentin PÂRIS Woensdag 13 Mei 2009 om 13:01
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Yes ! The database is the same
mac_tester Donderdag 14 Mei 2009 om 1:57

What about the POL plugins in POM. Can we use them
Quentin PÂRIS Donderdag 14 Mei 2009 om 13:11
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Nope ;)
austech360 Zondag 14 Augustus 2011 om 0:52

Next question is, How can I use the scripts? get:xxx doesnt work on mac. IDK why. I can download the script. but, where do I put it?
GNU_Raziel Zondag 14 Augustus 2011 om 1:04

Just use latest stable PoM release and it's Install menu, all compatible scripts are listed in there, just select one and installation will start.

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