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PlayOnMac Problem?

Well each time I open PlayOnMac there are infinite windows...

Auteur Antwoorden
KingRoyal Dinsdag 7 Juni\ 2011 om 5:18

Well each time I open PlayOnMac there are infinite windows that appear that say PlayOnMac is now starting Xquarts. So when I "X" out one another one comes.... I tried re installing PlayOnMac, & Resarted my computer and still have this problem.. Help?
Quentin PÂRIS Woensdag 8 Juni\ 2011 om 12:35
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Open XQuartz in Utilies folder

(Install it if it's not done)

Aangepast door Tinou

KingRoyal Zaterdag 11 Juni\ 2011 om 6:01

Thank You. I just downloaded and ran my game and all the windows went away. :)
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