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Hackintosh - iATKOS S3 V2


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inukaze Woensdag 2 November 2011 om 16:06

Hi there , i had downloaded the PlayOnMac , and i drag playonmac and drop in applications folder , all installed , the same with "uninstall playonmac"

But i can't start PlayOnMac , i need anything extra
Modules , Python , X11 , Xquartz , or something more to run this software ???
inukaze Donderdag 3 November 2011 om 4:40

Ok , i can't take Screenshots under this Hackintosh , i just have a "Blank File" . the screenshots dont works for my.

Ok , this is the error

inukaze$ ./playonmac.real
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/PlayOnMac.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 137, in <module>
File "/Applications/PlayOnMac.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 134, in _run
execfile(path, globals(), globals())
File "/Applications/PlayOnMac.app/Contents/Resources/playonlinux/python/mainwindow.py", line 30, in <module>
import wx
File "/Applications/PlayOnMac.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/wx/__init__.py", line 45, in <module>
from wx._core import *
File "/Applications/PlayOnMac.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/wx/_core.py", line 4, in <module>
import _core_
ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/PlayOnMac.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/wx/_core_.so, 2): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/wxPython-
Referenced from: /Applications/PlayOnMac.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/wx/_core_.so
Reason: image not found

Well , i test run manually the another "executable" like this :
inukaze$ ./playonmac
[install_plugins] Message: Verificando plugin: Wine Look...
[maj_check] Message: List is up to date
--- Licencia traducida en su idioma ---
Estas fuentes fueron proporcionadas por Microsoft
"por el interés de una compatibilidad multiplataforma".
Este ya no es el caso, pero siguen estando disponible desde terceros.

Es libre de descargarse estas fuentes y usarlas para sus propios fines,
pero no debe redistribuirlas modificadas,
incluyendo cambios en el nombre del archivo o el formato del paquete.

--- Licencia original ---
These fonts were provided by Microsoft "in the interest of
cross-platform compatibility".
This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
third parties.

You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
to the file name or packaging format.
Descargando: andale32.exe...
Descargando: arialb32.exe...
Descargando: arial32.exe...
Descargando: comic32.exe...
Descargando: courie32.exe...
Descargando: georgi32.exe...
Descargando: impact32.exe...
Descargando: times32.exe...
Descargando: trebuc32.exe...
Descargando: verdan32.exe...
Descargando: webdin32.exe...
Descargando: tahoma32.exe
Instalando: andale32.exe...
andale32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: arialb32.exe...
arialb32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: arial32.exe...
arial32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: comic32.exe...
comic32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: courie32.exe...
courie32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: georgi32.exe...
georgi32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: impact32.exe...
impact32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: times32.exe...
times32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: trebuc32.exe...
trebuc32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: verdan32.exe...
verdan32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: webdin32.exe...
webdin32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
Instalando: tahoma32.exe
tahoma32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.
rm: *.done: No such file or directory
rm: *.dll: No such file or directory
rm: *.txt: No such file or directory
[POL_Wine_SelectPrefix] Message: Selecting prefix:
[POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Creating prefix ()...
[POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Prefix already exists
[POL_Wine] Message: Running wine- cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles%
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:dwmapi:DwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x33cc14
fixme:file:MoveFileWithProgressW MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH unimplemented
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\gecko\\\\1.0.0\\\\wine_gecko\\\\components\\\\xpti.dat" 1 536870916 0x0 0x0 0x18bf64 0x0
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xa62f518, overlapped 0xa62f520): stub
fixme:file:MoveFileWithProgressW MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH unimplemented
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\gecko\\\\1.0.0\\\\wine_gecko\\\\components\\\\compreg.dat" 1 536870916 0x0 0x0 0x1d42df4 0x0
wine: configuration in '/Users/inukaze/Library/PlayOnMac//wineprefix/default' has been updated.
[POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0

And Ready im running PlayOnMac :D , its time to Test Games :D
GNU_Raziel Donderdag 3 November 2011 om 10:25

We do not support piracy/non genuine Mac, thread closed.

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