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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Auteur Antwoorden
GNU_Raziel Woensdag 4 April 2012 om 22:47

Wine version: 1.5.1-old_republic
Distribution: Linux Mint x64
Distribution version: 12
Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce GTX480
Graphics card driver: 280.13
- Using virtual desktop for this game is recommanded to avoid resolution switch's problems
- Game will not fully close with wine, you will have to kill all wine processes using menu

logo Run PlayOnLinux Script

Have a good game :sunglasses:

Aangepast door GNU_Raziel

summerchelle Zaterdag 25 Januari 2014 om 5:33

how can I manually add this script to POL. or associate Firefox to know to open it with POL?
petch Zaterdag 25 Januari 2014 om 8:24

This script is broken and has been disabled