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Oblivion crashed.

New to PlayonMac...

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silentorder Vrijdag 8 Juni\ 2012 om 1:17

So I'm trying to install Oblivion: Shivering Isles on PlayonMac. But every time I try to install it, it "crashes."

So I have a couple of questions...
What installation method should I use? I don't have any ROMS, so I usually just click to use a setup file in my computer, then what setup file should I run?

I usually just click next, & it says "Error: Wine seems to have crashed...." & a message from Steam pops up saying to click on it's icon in the notification bar, but there's no icon.

Quentin PÂRIS Vrijdag 8 Juni\ 2012 om 6:56
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Why don't you have any rom?
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