arnaud405 |
Donderdag 6 December 2012 om 22:51
Hi everyone, here I am again because just after the new update of League of LEgends (6/12/2012), my game is crashing when I try to buy new items in the shop. I cannot even enter in the shop. It immediately crashes. I had no problem before the update.
Any idea? PS: I am using the script made by POL with wine 1.5.5-league-of-legends. Cheers
iusmike |
Zaterdag 8 December 2012 om 3:06
Mee to, i down the graphics to very slow, but continue the problem.
davecoolkid |
Zaterdag 8 December 2012 om 5:22
Admin note : Do not do that. You are downloading third party files, which can be dangerous. Please read the latest news about League Of Legends instead
This fixed the problem for me : , just follow the instructions and you should be good to go. Btw if you get strange particle effects that look like lasers bouncing on the screen then you have to change your windows version in playonlinux to windows xp. Aangepast door Tinou
arnaud405 |
Zaterdag 8 December 2012 om 18:21
davecoolik, did you have the same problem as me ?
arnaud405 |
Zondag 9 December 2012 om 20:30
Unfortunately, it does not work for me. I am using debian x64. I tried both methods explained on your link but none worked.
LamerTex |
Maandag 10 December 2012 om 12:36
Now my problem is solved, after an automatic update of wine and playing with 1.5.12LeagueOfLegends version of wine I can play without any crash :)
arnaud405 |
Maandag 10 December 2012 om 19:41
t did not work for me and I did not have any update of to fix that ?
LamerTex |
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 om 15:58
Admin note : Do not do that. You are
downloading third party files, which can be dangerous. Please read the
latest news about League Of Legends instead
Add "" to the software dependencies and then install wine 1.5.. (I followed the instruction of davecoolkid, but it didn't work, after a few day a new update of wine showed up and now with the 1.5.12LeagueOfLegends version of wine it works :) ) Aangepast door Tinou
arnaud405 |
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 om 18:12
The problem is that I am using Debian...
arnaud405 |
Woensdag 12 December 2012 om 9:16
good strange news. I installed the 1.5.12leagueoflegends version again and now it works (I did it already once and it did not). However, after each end of game, the game is crashing and I have a POL error. That is not too annoying as it is at the end..but I have to relaunch everything to play again, and I cannot honor my mates ;)