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League of Legends Problem

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akakern Vrijdag 21 December 2012 om 13:23

Hey guys,

I have a little Problem with my League of Legends.
First of all, I'm using Linux Mint 14 and i installed LoL with Wine(LoL1.5.18).

The normal game works fine but ingame the new items are just shown with a red symbol.
And my other problem is pretty common i think. The shop where you can buy runes is just shown with a black screen and the game chrashes.

Is there any solution yet for these problems ?

Thank you for your answers, AkaKern
LamerTex Vrijdag 21 December 2012 om 14:05

For the items I have the same problem but is not "vital",
for the shop try to install ie from the configuration of LoL->Install Packets :)
xpander Zondag 23 December 2012 om 12:02

there's a way to fix red squared icons. just use the the linux tools:


it downloads and extracts the converted icons into the League Of Legends
no more red squares.

just make sure u edit the config.py with ur LoL location first.

my example here:
lol_path = "/home/xpander/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends"

Aangepast door xpander

ylinezero Vrijdag 28 December 2012 om 2:27

3th,good job!
lilshorty Maandag 10 Juni\ 2013 om 2:52

can u explain the solution for fixing the shop in step by step am new on ubuntu ? please
petch Maandag 10 Juni\ 2013 om 13:21

It has since then be scripted, just install "League of Legends: ingame shop icons fix", from patches category.

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