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DOTA2 Keeps Crashing

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comicjunkie1 Monday 15 April 2013 at 6:32

Hey all, I hope I give the necessary info on this. Basically, I'm playing Dota2 on the most recent playonmac version with XQuartz. I'm currently playing on a macbook pro with Mountain Lion. Everything is up to date.

The specific issue I keep having is that Dota crashes in a very odd way. It blinks out for a second as if it's about to disconnect but then suddenly minimizes itself. When I try to go back to it, it becomes a white screen with the dota cursor still there. Sometimes it comes back, but usually it just freezes like that until the white screen goes away and Steam reappears (whereupon sometimes Steam crashes as well). Needless to say, an inconvenient and frankly irritating problem (and even if I just had an idea WHY it did this, I would feel so much better).

Thank you in advance.
Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 April 2013 at 20:20

Can you give us more of your system specs, as well as your debug output, as per the forums rules?


Post debug logs & full computer specs in first post
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comicjunkie1 Saturday 27 April 2013 at 4:26

OSX 10.8.3
6g RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT 128 MB
PlayOnMac v 4.2.1

I don't know if the debugger is registering that these are crashes. The debugger itself only pops up when steam goes down on its own. As of the last day or two, its been disconnecting/minimizing/crashing several times per game. It minimizes, I immediately re-expand it and then wait for it to crash. I can restart dota seconds after; steam seems almost impervious on my computer but any programs I try to run through it seem doomed.
Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 27 April 2013 at 16:34

Not that debugger. Thats Wines debugger. Its the debug output as described in the sticky at the top of the forum that says "PLEASE READ ME" and "How to get your debug output". Always check stickies before posting. :)

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comicjunkie1 Sunday 28 April 2013 at 4:35

I did but what I'm saying is that I'm not sure the debugger is picking up on anything actually going wrong. The wine debugger I have never seen. The one that pops up is always labeled as PlayOnMac debugger, and ONLY appears when Steam itself crashes (which rarely happens; far more often the only time the debugger message appears at all is when I force quit xquartz).

[04/27/13 22:12:07] - Running wine-1.5.10 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/adamdavis/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
[0427/221217:ERROR:network_change_notifier_win.cc(111)] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
Install script executed.wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
[0427/221453:ERROR:network_change_notifier_win.cc(111)] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[0427/221506:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221507:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221507:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221507:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221512:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221512:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221512:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221512:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221517:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221517:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221517:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221517:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221522:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221522:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221522:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221522:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221527:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221527:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221528:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221528:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221532:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221532:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221533:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221533:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221537:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221537:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221538:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221538:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221542:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221542:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221543:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221543:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221547:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221547:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221548:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221548:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
[0427/221552:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221552:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221553:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221553:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221557:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221557:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221558:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221558:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221602:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221602:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221603:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221603:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221608:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221608:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221608:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221608:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221613:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221613:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221613:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221613:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221618:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221618:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221618:ERROR:proxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

Adding VPK file: C:\\program files\\steam\\steamapps\\common\\dota 2 beta\\dota\\sound_vo_english

Adding VPK file: C:\\program files\\steam\\steamapps\\common\\dota 2 beta\\dota\\pak01

Adding VPK file: C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\dota 2 beta\\platform\\pak01

Socket layer initialized:

wsa ver used: 2.0

wsa ver max: 2.2

description: WinSock 2.0

sys status: Running

WARNING: unable to link Test_StartScript and Test_StartScript because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link Test_RandomChance and Test_RandomChance because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopForNumSeconds and Test_LoopForNumSeconds because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link Test_Loop and Test_Loop because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopCount and Test_LoopCount because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link Test_StartLoop and Test_StartLoop because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link log_flags and log_flags because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link log_color and log_color because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link log_verbosity and log_verbosity because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link log_level and log_level because one or more is a ConCommand.

WARNING: unable to link log_dumpchannels and log_dumpchannels because one or more is a ConCommand.

CClientSteamContext logged on = 1

ConVarRef rr_debugresponses doesn't point to an existing ConVar

Could not get IReplayDirector interface from library server.dllGame.dll loaded for "Dota 2"

wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
wine: Call from 0x7bc411fa to unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.StopTraceA, aborting
XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server "/tmp/launch-afJZOV/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"

after 344 requests (344 known processed) with 5 events remaining.

XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server "/tmp/launch-afJZOV/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"

after 15209 requests (15209 known processed) with 6 events remaining.

Ronin DUSETTE Sunday 28 April 2013 at 19:22

Theres all kinds of errors. hahaha

[0427/221507:ERRORroxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221512:ERRORroxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221512:ERRORroxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221512:ERRORroxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221512:ERRORroxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221517:ERRORroxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221517:ERRORroxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178

[0427/221517:ERRORroxy_resolver_winhttp.cc(97)] WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed: 12178


Thats got to be a problem. Not sure how to fix it, though.

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