krissi |
Friday 26 April 2013 at 22:07
Hi when ever i try to install Starcraft2 on chakra linux i get access denied when the install should start on game like i do not have access on cdrom. Is the problem on my side or is it in scripts ? :)
booman |
Friday 26 April 2013 at 23:37
How far do you get before the "access denied"? You could always try running playonlinux with sudo in Terminal sudo playonlinux
petch |
Friday 26 April 2013 at 23:47
Don't run PlayOnLinux or Wine as root.
booman |
Friday 26 April 2013 at 23:51
sorry, its just a suggestion... there are always security risks when using "sudo" for anything.
petch |
Saturday 27 April 2013 at 1:07
It's not only security risks, it's also risks to break the system. And obviously you never tried what you're "suggesting", because otherwise you'd know what's the result. You're giving away untested "suggestions" to people to break their systems, this is just plain dangerous. Ändrat av petch
Saturday 27 April 2013 at 2:22
Yup yup. Its all bad. I have done it before when I first started using POL a while back, and it caused nothing but issues. Once its installed, it should never be used with sudo or root access. This goes for vanilla Wine, POL, POM, winetricks, etc.. :)
Saturday 27 April 2013 at 2:23
Hi when ever i try to install Starcraft2 on chakra linux i get access denied when the install should start on game like i do not have access on cdrom. Is the problem on my side or is it in scripts ? :)
You may need to add your user to the cdrom group (or equiv for your system).
booman |
Saturday 27 April 2013 at 16:02
Nope, never tried "sudo" with PlayOnLinux because it has always worked fine. If I did get an "access denied" error then I would have. Thanks for the warnings... I had no idea. I was suggesting "sudo" because I have used that for changing permissions on game executables, permissions on folders and running "apt-get"... so on and so on I wasn't sure if krissi's problem was related to PlayOnLinux/Wine needing access to folders and what/not
Saturday 27 April 2013 at 16:29
When a permissions issue like this comes up, you need to check your group permissions. That is usually the culprit. sudo will give access to EVERYTHING, not to mention that if you run as sudo, it wants to run everything in /root/ and gives permissions to everything. If someone screws up on a script with some bad BASH or something, and its ran as sudo, that could be alllllll bad. lol
krissi |
Saturday 27 April 2013 at 22:27
I reinstalled chakra and then I reinstalled playonlinux and still got the same error so now I use wine for starcraft and it works, but I will use playonlinux for online download from now on :)
this got my installer to work for wine mount -o ro,unhide,uid=1000 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom and i needed to make /media/cdrom folder my self
kubuntu is much more friendly than chakra (arch linux) but i still want to give arch linux a try ;)
krissi |
Saturday 27 April 2013 at 22:34
but maybe there is something missing that I am not able to find that I need to install or something. I just moved to linux from linux like 2 months ago and now I am on arch linux and not that pro on that system (like) kubuntu and ubuntu. Those system didn't let me to know linux like chakra linux (arch linux) this it is allmost the same core i think. Linux need realy to make some newbie guide that is easy read not like google that make you run around and trying to understand what i realy need and what i do not need :P
booman |
Sunday 28 April 2013 at 2:18
I"m glad you got it working. I'm not familiar with Chakra Linux... But with Ubuntu everything should work great. I have read about Arch Linux and though I like the sound of making my own Linux with only the libraries I want, it just seems like a lot to manage. I would have to really spend a lot of time reading about everything that runs in Linux and choose between what I want and don't want.
Sunday 28 April 2013 at 19:05
Arch linux, IMO, is NOT for anyone but an advanced user. Stick with the Debian/Ubuntu/Mint flavours, CentOS, or OpenSuSE. It takes a while to learn all of Linux, and there is nothing that Arch can do, that every other OS doesnt do better. (sorry arch users. haha. I cant stand it. Its a PITA). Its for sure not a beginner Linux distro.
booman |
Sunday 28 April 2013 at 19:12
Agreed, when I feel more fluent in Terminal and libraries... I might give it a try. I know that hard-core Linux guru's think all the other distros have a lot of "bloat-ware" but I admit they are easy to use for the most part.
Sunday 28 April 2013 at 19:51
I dont mind bloatware, as long as its functional. Basically, it gives you everything that you need to do 99% of daily chores, and disc space isnt really an issue anymore, considering that most people have at least a 100GB HD. Id rather have a distro that worked correctly take up 5GB of HD space than one that was a pain to use and learn just to shave off a couple of gigs from my HD.
booman |
Monday 29 April 2013 at 18:41
Me too! I don't really call it "bloatware" if I use it at some point.... and in Linux's case, it doesn't take up any space at all. For example: I never use Thunderbird since I use Gmail, but I don't consider it bloatware. Thunderbird is small and since I'm a techie... I'm sure someday I'll have to help someone with theirs... then I'll get to use it.
Monday 29 April 2013 at 18:50
Hahaha. Yeah. Tbird is my mail client of choice. I use it for my business, but other than that, I just use gmail. I just dont think, that on todays computers, 4-5gb for an install is that bad. Most new laptops come with like, 300-600 GB drives right from the start. haha.
booman |
Monday 29 April 2013 at 18:51
Exactly! Linux = 5 Gigs Windows 7 = 15 Gigs
Monday 29 April 2013 at 18:55
hahaha. this is true. Although, I still dont mind. 15GB is nothing. 15/500 = plenty of room left for everything else. lol. Even the heaviest linux distros have a footprint about 1/3 the size of modern windows installs. I love that.
booman |
Monday 29 April 2013 at 20:15
Oh yeah? I have to create clonezilla images of computers at work and Win 7 takes over 2 hours to clone over USB 2.0 What a pain!