
Ableton installation not smooth...

Installing to wrong directory?

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gggreggg Wednesday 9 October 2013 at 3:15

I am using Linux Mint 15, with PlayOnLinux 4.2.1. I am attempting to install Ableton 8.2.1 from a cd from Ableton.

have followed the process and tried the default directory and then some
others to test some things, and I can get through to the end of the
installation, but I keep seeing the error:

"Error in POL_Shortcut
Binary not found: Live 8.2.2exe
Have you installed the program to the default location?"

did note that the POL software (at beginning of process said software
would install to .../.playonlinux//wineprefix/ableton8 but it actually creates
the location (by default) of .../.playonlinux//wineprefix/AbletonLive  - I am not sure how to change this location.

Seems like this could be an issue, but I'm not certain how to address this with POL or linux (new to both).

- I get way further just running the exe in Mint. Software is loaded
and I will be registering it shortly. Will this work without POL?
Ronin DUSETTE Wednesday 9 October 2013 at 16:15

So, first off, you need (and I mean NEED) to read the stickies. That error may not be the main one.

Read the stickies and port appropriately, so that we can help you. The stickies say exactly what we need.

Also, check in /home/user/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Ableton (whatever the name is).

I believe my script has been updated by another developer recently since it was created, and that may have caused issues with it.

We cannot tell what exactly went wrong with you providing the proper information. :)

As for the .exe just running, yes. Ableton, for the most part, works with Wine right out of the box, though, you need to switch the graphics renderer to GDI and not OpenGL, as it causes a LOT of graphic goof ups. Thats the only reason I created the script, as it does work right out of the box through wine 1.6 and up (These are what I have tested it to run great with).

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gggreggg Friday 11 October 2013 at 4:00

OK - can you tell me what "the stickies" are? Searching here and through google has not offered much more clarification...

I did read the forum post on what info to post, and it also mentioned "stickies" but I'm not sure what these are. I read through the other Ableton related post which is currently active "Ableton Live 9 Failed to open device "Wine ASIO Driver."" and it seems to me that I've presented a simmilar amount of information. Obviously I don't know what I'm not understanding here...

I did agree to send the error report through the process presented to me when POL had an error - where do these go? Could this offer helpful information?

I reformated my drive after posting this original request, so I don't have everything available to recreate the error right now. If you can give me a bit more of a hint on what to post in terms of information, I will be able to do so later on after taking a bit of time to get the various programs back into working order.

Daerandin Saturday 12 October 2013 at 11:43

When you run the exe in mint, it uses Wine as it is installed on your OS. Basically, it will work identically by running it normally through wine, or using PoL with the same wine version that your system has installed.

The stickies mentioned are the stickied topics at the top of the forum that explain what information is needed when asking for help.

Anyway, from looking at the script for Ableton Live 8 (I'm assuming you are using this install script), it is actually looking specifically for 8.2.2 versions, as you have version 8.2.1 then the install script will fail when attempting to create the shortcut. However, the shortcut is pretty much the last thing the script do, so it should already be installed properly through PoL. If you select "Configure" in PoL, then you can look for the virtual drive on the left column, it should be named AbletonLive. Select that, then click on the button "Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive". Then you should be able to find the proper executable for the program on the presented list.

I don't any version of Ableton so I can't test. However, I don't see why this should not work, unless my brain has taken a little vacation at the moment.

Of course you will have to attempt the install again since you recently formatted your drive.
Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 12 October 2013 at 17:45

OK - can you tell me what "the stickies" are? Searching here and through google has not offered much more clarification...


They are the post at the top of every forum on this site that say:


I did read the forum post on what info to post, and it also mentioned "stickies" but I'm not sure what these are. I read through the other Ableton related post which is currently active "Ableton Live 9 Failed to open device "Wine ASIO Driver."" and it seems to me that I've presented a simmilar amount of information. Obviously I don't know what I'm not understanding here...

I did agree to send the error report through the process presented to me when POL had an error - where do these go? Could this offer helpful information?


**EDIT: when I mention "post above", I meant this one, last post:


Again, Im going to be making a sticky regarding this setup later today with screenshots, so if you are still having issues, after trying this, wait a bit, and I will have detailed instructions up.

First, you need to have jack running and installed, which is out of the scope of this forum.

This will help you get it installed


Sending an error report regarding this to us will not help, as its something that you have to do by hand.

So, prerequisites. You need:

1. Winasio compiled and installed on your system (kxstudio repo should work. read link I gave you)

2. You need jack and qjackctl installed, and you need to add your user account to the "audio" group to get real-time access.

3. Install Ableton as usual, authorize, then close it

4. Do what I said in the post above, regarding copying to your POL wine directory for the version of wine you are using (the post above explains this process)

5. After you see that it successfully registered /home/user/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/wineversion/lib/wine/wineasio.dll, we can proceed....

The fun stuff:

6. Start qjackctl and click START. Make sure its running. If its up and running, then start Ableton and select ASIO, and then the WINEASIO driver.

That is really it. It seems like a lot, I know. Its a pain in the ass to get wineasio installed. I no longer use Ubuntu, and now use Arch, because I am not bound by Ubuntu's package manager and can run a lot of bleeding edge stuff. That notwithstanding, you should have no issues using the kxstudio repo to get wineasio installed on your system.

The 2 BIG things you need to remember:

1. HAS TO BE COPIED AND REGISTERED from the POL directory, otherwise it wont work. I JUST figured this out the day I posted the above one. You have to use absolute paths to the file when running regsvr32, and you have to use the WINEPREFIX command to make sure that its all very explicit to where we are pointing.

2. jack must be running, and you must be in the "audio" group:

sudo usermod -aG audio username

Replace 'username' with your username, and log out/log in to make yourself active in that group.

Even if wineasio.dll registers, if jack is not running, it will fail to connect.

Sorry it took my so long to get back originally. I have been SUUUUUPPPPPPPPPER busy. :)

Ändrat av RoninDusette

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Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 12 October 2013 at 17:47

Later today Im going to make a sticky about this in the PlayOnLinux room, as anyone running ANY music software is going to want ASIO/low-latency access. Screenshots and everything, too. :)

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Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 12 October 2013 at 17:57

I am using Linux Mint 15, with PlayOnLinux 4.2.1. I am attempting to install Ableton 8.2.1 from a cd from Ableton.

I have followed the process and tried the default directory and then some others to test some things, and I can get through to the end of the installation, but I keep seeing the error:

"Error in POL_Shortcut
Binary not found: Live 8.2.2exe
Have you installed the program to the default location?"


If you look at the error, its super obvious. Cant find binary named "Live 8.2.2", because you just installed a different version.

Do this:

Install it again, go through the whole thing on a fresh virtual drive, and IGNORE THE ERROR that says that the playonlinux script crashed.

Then click:

PlayOnLinux -> Configure -> click on your virtual drive for ableton -> in the general tab, click "Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive"

POL will scan the virtual drive for .exe files, show you a list, which will include the one for your install of Live (it will be like, live8.2.1.exe or abletonlivesuite.exe).

The error you are seeing is NOT the ableton install crashing, simply the script failing to find the explicitly-named binary. The above method will let you do this manually.

I hope this helps. I am now pretty much completely away from Windows, as now I can do low-latency audio recording and use ALL of my gear and ALL of my software. Right now, I am running:

Arch Linux, fully updated
KDE 4.11.x

Thats for the back-end

Reason 5
Ableton 9
Full Native Instruments Komplete
bunch o' vst's

Everything in low latency (5.8ms or better)

MobilePre USB audio interface
DJIO audio interface
E-mu midi keyboard
Akai MPD 26
Novation Launchpad
Rig Kontrol 3
4 monitors, 2 nvidia cards

Teehee. Im pretty much good to go. :D :D :)

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Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 12 October 2013 at 18:01

I did note that the POL software (at beginning of process said software would install to .../.playonlinux//wineprefix/ableton8 but it actually creates the location (by default) of .../.playonlinux//wineprefix/AbletonLive - I am not sure how to change this location.


No, it doesnt. The prefix is named "Ableton8", unless you installed a different script, or made the virtual drive yourself.

Also, ALWAYS LEAVE THE DEFAULT INSTALL DESTINATIONS. If asked, leave them as they are.

# Presentation
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "Live 8.2.2" "Ableton" "" "DJYoshaBYD" "Ableton8"

# Create Prefix
POL_System_SetArch "x86"
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"


If you ran the Ableton 8 installer within POL, then it would not have created ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/AbletonLive

it would have created:


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Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 12 October 2013 at 18:05

I did read the forum post on what info to post, and it also mentioned "stickies" but I'm not sure what these are. I read through the other Ableton related post which is currently active "Ableton Live 9 Failed to open device "Wine ASIO Driver."" and it seems to me that I've presented a simmilar amount of information. Obviously I don't know what I'm not understanding here...


As per the forum rules/stickies, we *NEED*

FULL debug output or terminal output from playonlinux
FULL system specs, arch, and distro

in order EFFICIENTLY troubleshoot the issue. These are here to help users help us, by cutting out the time needed to ask for this info, considering we will most likely need it anyway. having the FULL debug or terminal output tells us sooooo much about your system, env variables, versions of software running, missing deps, etc etc etc.. Its pretty much a must. In this case, that information wouldnt really help me, as I already kind of knew what the problem was, but for 95% of other posts in the forums, we WILL need that info to figure out whats going on, otherwise, we are just guessing. :)

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