
[Issue] AirDroid Desktop:

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Scindix Saturday 12 December 2015 at 23:35

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to get the desktop version of airdroid (v3.2.1.1) to work under wine. (
Currently I'm using a virtual drive with Wine 1.8-rc2 (32-bits) with the component dotnet20 installed.

dotnet20 is needed because AirDroid doesn't seem to start without it.

The program starts properly and is asking for a mail adress and password. When I type in the correct combination, it gives me the following error (See also the image):

Failed to connect to the server (-27000)

Failed to connect to the server


The debug log is the following:
I think the relevant part is this one:

fixme:ras:RasEnumConnectionsW RAS support is not implemented! Configure program to use LAN connection/winsock instead!
err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> _WSAIO(IOC_WS2, 23) request failed with status 0x2733

It seems that it can't generate a socket. The odd thing is that if I type the wrong mail adress, it tells me that this adress doesn't exist. So it seems to be able to communicate with the internet. Just the login process doesn't work. I also tried to completely disable my firewall, unfortunately without any effect.

My relevant system specs are at the top of the log. My desktop is gnome-shell 3.18.3-1 and my Arch (rolling release) is up to date.

Thank you in advance.

Ändrat av Scindix

Walkman Thursday 28 July 2016 at 1:10

I've managed to get v3.3.3.0 to work with wine 1.9.15, with just POL_Install_dotnet35 installed.

The interface after logging in is pretty unusable though, the outer tab buttons don't work and nothing actually responds in the main tab.

Ändrat av Walkman

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