
Quake Winsock IPX bind failed. GOG version

Författare Svar
flatiron Friday 24 November 2017 at 9:48

Okay, usually when I try to start QUAKE using MINT in end up with "Winsock IPX bind failed". This has been replaced now with the play on linux reporter thing. Also, I end up with variour errors on instal, as can be seen in the attached images... which there is no way to attach images... okay then.


So, the first error said "Runtime Error (at 69:445):"

The second one said "Runtime Error (at 198:000): Invalid Opcode."

The third one said "Runtime Error (at 198:807): Out of Global Vars range."

The fourth error said "Out of Global Vars range."


Those 4 errors showed toward the end of the install.


And normally when I start quake I get "Winsock IPX bind failed."


But now that has been replaced with the play on linux error wizard. Which does nothing when I click next...


Here is the log file when I go into play on linux and click debug. Keep in mind that DOXBOX is already included by GOG. I already have DOSBOX on my system.


Furthermore I don't think the game has shut off as my GPU temps are raised a little.


And what shortcut Icon should I use? They seem to produce differen't effects when clicked on.



fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:shell:SHAutoComplete stub
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_Frame_CopyPalette (0x1764c4,0x16f458): stub
fixme:gdiplus:resample_bitmap_pixel Unimplemented interpolation 6
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x1773a0,0x33f798: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x167620,0x33f798: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x167620,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x16bc50,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x18a240,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x18d130,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x1e99e8,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x1eb2f0,0x33f798: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x154f88,0x33f798: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x1eb2f0,0x33f798: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x1edf18,0x33f798: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x1edf18,0x33f798: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x1eb2f0,0x33f798: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x565d2e8,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x565d3c0,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x21f220,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x21f730,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x21e7c0,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x565f600,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x565fe38,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5660648,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5660ec0,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x56616b8,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5661ef0,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5662748,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5662888,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x56630c8,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5662ee8,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x56630c8,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5664f40,0x33f7c8: stub
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10108 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10108 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10106 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10106 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x1011a enable 0: stub!
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:shell:SHAutoComplete stub
err:shell:SHGetFileInfoW pidl is null!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x1011a enable -1: stub!
err:shell:SHGetFileInfoW pidl is null!
err:shell:SHGetFileInfoW pidl is null!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x1012a enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x1012a enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x1011a enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x1011a enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10104 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10104 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10100 enable 0: stub!
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5683698,0x33d138: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5683698,0x33d138: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5683698,0x33d138: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x5683698,0x33d138: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x56963d0,0x33d138: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x56963d0,0x33d138: stub
fixme:sfc:SfcIsFileProtected ((nil), L"C:\\Quake\\unins000.exe") stub
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10100 enable -1: stub!
fixme:gameux:GameExplorerImpl_VerifyAccess (0x568f950, L"C:\\Quake\\goggame-1435828198.dll", 0x33d1a8)
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"ReleaseDate" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Genres" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Version" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Developers" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Publishers" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"GameExecutables" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"ExtendedProperties" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:shell:FolderImpl_Items (0x56cca08,0x33cf68)
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x56cc9e0,0x33d1a8: stub
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x20140 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x20140 enable -1: stub!
[11/24/17 01:24:26] - Running wine- winepath -u C:\\users\\u1530\\Desktop (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c)
[11/24/17 01:24:40] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:24:52] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:25:13] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:25:33] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:25:42] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:26:29] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:27:44] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:27:49] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:28:43] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:29:44] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:29:45] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:29:56] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:35:37] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:43:36] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:44:11] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.
[11/24/17 01:44:43] - Running wine- quake.exe (Working directory : /home/u1530/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/QUAKE/drive_c/Quake)
winevdm: Cannot start DOS application C:\Quake\quake.exe
         because the DOS memory range is unavailable.
         You should install DOSBox.





Ändrat av flatiron

flatiron Friday 24 November 2017 at 9:50

delete this post. keep first post please admin.

Ändrat av flatiron

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