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help - close all POL programs running by console?

i want to create a shortcut on my desktop

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luiscuadrado123 Maandag 11 Mei 2015 om 5:28



I want to create a desktop shortcut to CLOSE all the programs from POL runing (like the options inside the Tools menu in POL).

I don't know what is the command i need to exect to do this.



SOLVED: the command i wanted was this:

find $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/* -maxdepth 0 -exec /bin/bash -c 'export WINEPREFIX="{}"; /usr/bin/wineserver -k' \;


Aangepast door luiscuadrado123

Ronin DUSETTE Maandag 11 Mei 2015 om 6:01

wineserver -k, if I am not mistaken. You should just be able to create a script with this command and add a shortcut to it (make sure you make it executable.). At least that is my first thought to doing it. 

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petch Maandag 11 Mei 2015 om 7:15

wineserver -k alone will probably not work, at the very minimum $WINEPREFIX will have to be set correctly first, and then possibly the right wineserver will have to be used (same instance used for the given virtual drive).

Even if the latter condition is not required (I haven't checked), on some distributions like Debian and derivatives, wineserver is not in the $PATH, so wineserver -k will just result in an error (command not found).

luiscuadrado123 Maandag 11 Mei 2015 om 17:37



wineserver -k on the console don't close any program :(


any another idea?

petch Donderdag 14 Mei 2015 om 8:03

Well, you can create a stop shortcut; If $SHORTCUT represents the shortcut of the program to stop, run

$ sed -e 's/^POL_Wine /wineserver -k/' < ~/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts/"$SHORTCUT" > ~/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts/"$SHORTCUT (Stop)"

Then to stop the program,

$ playonlinux --run "$SHORTCUT (Stop)"


Aangepast door petch

cripplebeast Donderdag 21 Mei 2015 om 5:19

If all else fails

sudo shutdown -r now

or more seriously

find /full/path/to/playonlinux/prefixes/* -maxdepth 0 -exec /bin/bash -c 'export WINEPREFIX="{}"; /full/path/to/wineserver -k' \;

or something along those lines

this should (someone please correct me if im wrong, i like learning) end all games currently running under playonlinux


sample output:

Im currently at work so dont have access to wine

find ~/this/* -maxdepth 0 -exec /bin/bash -c 'export WINEPREFIX="{}"; echo "WINEPREFIX=$WINEPREFIX; wineserver -k"' \;

WINEPREFIX=/home/mobaxterm/this/hello; wineserver -k
WINEPREFIX=/home/mobaxterm/this/that; wineserver -k
WINEPREFIX=/home/mobaxterm/this/this; wineserver -k

Aangepast door cripplebeast

cripplebeast Donderdag 21 Mei 2015 om 9:02

this may be a dead thread by now but here is the full command, I have tested this and it is working

find $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/* -maxdepth 0 -exec /bin/bash -c 'export WINEPREFIX="{}"; /usr/bin/wineserver -k' \;

I put too much effort into this bash fu to not follow through

luiscuadrado123 Donderdag 21 Mei 2015 om 13:43


this may be a dead thread by now but here is the full command, I have tested this and it is working

find $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/* -maxdepth 0 -exec /bin/bash -c 'export WINEPREFIX="{}"; /usr/bin/wineserver -k' \;

I put too much effort into this bash fu to not follow through


cripplebeast Donderdag 21 Mei 2015 om 14:11

You are most welcome.

I must have used this about 20 times already in the past couple of hours, its actually incredibly useful

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