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italian translation

not complete

Auteur Antwoorden
fekir Donderdag 22 Juli 2010 om 10:09

Hello to everyone

I was just thinking that I could complete the italian translation for playonlinux (if noone is working on it of course), because I noticed that some parts in my systema are still in english, as for example: "Configure this application" or most of the setup windows for scritps, as for example: "Willkommen in PlayOnLinux autorun Assistent..." (NB: the 2nd language on my system is german) or "This wizard will help you.."
So i grabed for the italian language file ("it.po") in "/usr/share/playonlinux/lang/po", but noticed that the translation is complete, ie, there are writtent only the translated parts.
How can I get a translation file with all the texts? So that I can go on with the translations?
Do I have to ask Tinou?

Thank you very much in advance!
NSLW Zondag 1 Augustus 2010 om 9:01

You can add missing text from English po file or you can ask Tinou for file with all text. Nevertheless you will have to send Tinou complete it.po file so he could convert it and include it in POL.

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