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Civ 5 Gods and Kings


Auteur Antwoorden
xxrockthedrumsxx Zondag 24 Juni\ 2012 om 2:35

Civ 5 without the expansion worked great....but afterwards it crashes with a memory exception.  Just a word of warning!
kcinman11358 Woensdag 27 Juni\ 2012 om 17:35

wouldn't that be more of a system issue?
steve723 Maandag 1 Juli 2013 om 22:10

I launched my Skryrim VD and told Steam client to install Civ 5 and everything works like I was running from Windows. G&K works well. I have BNW pre-ordered, so well see on the 9th if that works.
Ronin DUSETTE Maandag 1 Juli 2013 om 22:14

This thread is ooolllld, and your solution is actually not a good one. All games should be in seperate virtual drives, and any patches or add-ons to any game should only be installed in the programs virtual drive.

Glad it works, though. :)

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