
Translate PlayOnLinux to pt_BR

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Gilfran Dimanche 22 Mars 2009 à 21:01

I would like to translate this program to brazilian portuguese, how can I proceed?
NSLW Lundi 23 Mars 2009 à 11:02

I think the best is to contact Tinou about that.
Asimov Lundi 23 Mars 2009 à 13:02

Hi Gilfran, and thanks a lot for your proposal.
You'd better contact Marieuh instead, she's in charge of all translation issues. :)

Nous piétinerons éternellement aux frontières de l'Inconnu, cherchant à comprendre ce qui restera toujours incompréhensible. Et c'est précisément cela qui fait de nous des hommes.

Quentin PÂRIS Lundi 23 Mars 2009 à 18:36
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

The problem is : PlayOnLinux is not designed to support differents portuguese, or differents french.

We have fr instead of fr_FR, en instead of en_US or en_UK
Gilfran Mardi 24 Mars 2009 à 2:50

Thanks all...

@Asimov: Get in touch with her, waiting for reply ...

@Tinou: I understand, it was specified Brazilian Portuguese because there is a difference, however due to new grammatical rules, the English are closer to uniformity. If the case could be pt instead of pt_BR.
jefersondossantos Lundi 11 Mai 2009 à 13:00

1-I am interested in helping to translate the playonlinux to Brazilian Portuguese. If PlayOnLinux does not support variations of idioms, what is needed to we start to repair it?

2-all script functions should be translated into English

3-I lke help with shell script code.

4-PlaOnLinux was the best project to install windows applications on Linux. Congratulations.