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Trying to play Steam games with playonmac

kshangaun 1 2804 kshangaun, Woensdag 19 April 2023 om 17:41
Manually installing application...but never does

The processing wheel just keeps turning and turning and turning

elloello 1 3476 elloello, Dinsdag 11 April 2023 om 20:46
Can't make a shortcut on PlayOnMac

Rugs 1 2707 Rugs, Dinsdag 4 April 2023 om 17:56
last post, I guess it doesn't work at all.

1st time trying this app, 2 installs, and both fail.

fred4 2 3590 Dadu042, Zaterdag 1 April 2023 om 14:52

can't read instructions

fred4 1 2781 fred4, Zaterdag 1 April 2023 om 1:40
1ère installation POM - plantage immédiat


david31650 1 2996 david31650, Woensdag 29 Maart 2023 om 15:09
Checksum not correct WindowsXP-KB975337-x86-ENU.exe

beli3ver 15 14829 david-beszeda, Maandag 20 Maart 2023 om 0:14
POM does not launch at all

Pops up once, but then stops

popofix 1 2700 popofix, Zaterdag 18 Maart 2023 om 20:16
Saving Configuration Settings?

Play on Mac configuration

Ullrik 1 2673 Ullrik, Maandag 13 Maart 2023 om 17:14
POM client is crashing on startup

(open core patched Mac, fresh install)

preclowski 1 2980 preclowski, Maandag 13 Maart 2023 om 15:15
POM v4.4.1: shortcuts made does not work

mariogal 3 7831 makj, Zaterdag 11 Maart 2023 om 15:10
POM 4.4.1 app shortcut cannot launch (OS X v10.15.7)

nvadekar 2 5812 makj, Zaterdag 11 Maart 2023 om 14:21
black screen on steam login screen

Elberto221 1 2931 Elberto221, Zaterdag 11 Maart 2023 om 9:16
Steam gives a black box

DarthGoga 1 2646 DarthGoga, Donderdag 9 Maart 2023 om 14:08
Major Bug: "System" version of wine being ignored

wine version incorrectly shown as "System"

GeneralError 3 4638 coldscientist, Woensdag 8 Maart 2023 om 14:16
PlayOnMac wine version manager window does nothing

wine version manager

GeneralError 5 8557 coldscientist, Woensdag 8 Maart 2023 om 14:10
The Grey Screen

Macbook_gamer 1 2710 Macbook_gamer, Dinsdag 7 Maart 2023 om 13:34
Issues with steam

screen not working

Churchill2 3 3572 TerryGrey, Dinsdag 7 Maart 2023 om 6:45
How to install 64bit software?

Mac64 4 3588 Mac64, Donderdag 2 Maart 2023 om 2:53
Can't read "Install a Non-Listed Program" instructions

Text won't expand with window

paperless 1 3165, Vrijdag 24 Februari 2023 om 13:40
Steam stuck on blue screen

Basically it

Yeshehe! 1 2694 Yeshehe!, Donderdag 23 Februari 2023 om 9:42
Not starting

Mac OS

paymanwasih 1 2762 paymanwasih, Maandag 20 Februari 2023 om 18:28
Epic Game Launcher fails on Prerequisites.

Prerequisites Epic Games

GeneralError 4 4489 magpierare, Maandag 20 Februari 2023 om 3:22
New Steam update doesnt support 32 bit?

tkasp12 2 3613 fellnerse, Zaterdag 18 Februari 2023 om 11:27


jwh900511 2 3330 macself, Zondag 5 Februari 2023 om 21:38
Issue while installing steins;gate, while downloading msxml3

daveman426 1 2933 daveman426, Vrijdag 3 Februari 2023 om 19:07
Problem moving PlayOnMac to Applications

"The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access 'PlayOnMac'."

AssortedLlama 4 5225 melvynadam, Donderdag 19 Januari 2023 om 13:14
InstallExtensions.dll can not be found

App setup

andrickjohn 1 2739 andrickjohn, Maandag 16 Januari 2023 om 21:15
Problems with link to download support app


Arthur_vff 1 3236 Arthur_vff, Vrijdag 6 Januari 2023 om 15:59
Install component "wineasio" not working in POM

Ziggitarius 1 3438 Ziggitarius, Woensdag 28 December 2022 om 17:40
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